
I’m Judy, and I provide fashion solutions that improve your style in a way that respects you - your lifestyle, body, time, and budget.

I’ll help you save time, reduce stress, and feel better.

Options available for personal and corporate fashion services include styling and shopping.

Corporate workshops and group sessions with friends are also available in person in the Seattle area, and everywhere virtually.

I hope to meet you soon!

Just in time for Spring! Spring cleanup and organization sessions with my 3Rs.

Let’s get your closet spring-ready with my 3R wardrobe styling approach: Refresh & Edit your existing wardrobe, Reorganize your updated wardrobe, and then Refresh it by strategically adding in missing items. These sessions can be tailored to fit your needs and will have you ready to enjoy spring. Contact me to discuss! Want to see more? Check out my Closet Styling Series Intro and Parts 1-3 on Instagram @judysternstyle

Available Style Services

  • We’ll get your closet spring-ready with a wardrobe cleanup and closet organization session. During these sessions we’ll 1) Review & Edit your existing wardrobe, 3) Reorganize your updated wardrobe, then 3) Refresh by discussing wardrobe gaps to consider. Add on a one-hour+ shopping appointment if you’d like a fall wardrobe refresh that will enhance your updated wardrobe. How-to style tips included!

  • I can help you define your style strategy, update your wardrobe, and provide styling tips for:

    • Career/Professional: Let’s define your professional style to cover your time in the office, at offsites, travel, and key meetings.

    • Lifestyle: Built around your life schedule let’s define your wardrobe strategy that enhances your lifestyle.

    In or out of the office, for work and for play, Iet’s get your wardrobe and style updated.

    Corporate workshops and group style sessions are also available.

  • From special events such as galas, milestone events, appearances, press engagements, keynote speeches, or travel /trips, I will develop style solutions that help you shine on every stage and platform.

  • Need a closet review & refresh? Have a specific situation to cover, need a style refresh, have something above and beyond, or just want to freeform with a Q&A? Then Open Flex Time is a great way to get style help.

  • From full service wardrobe shopping where I get the items for you, to shopping together in-person, or giving you personalized shoppable links for you to purchase products on your own, I can identify, deliver, document, and style new items and sources to transform your wardrobe and keep it regularly updated.

Book an appointment / discuss services

Ready to discuss options or book your style service?

If you’re a new client and looking to start, a complimentary virtual meet and greet, closet makeover, or style strategy session is a great place to start.

Just like style, there is no one-size-fits-all so I can flex with you and your needs!

Get to know Judy

Ask anyone I know, they’ll tell you that I love fashion, shopping, and styling. I also love helping people ideate, solve problems, and maximize their opportunities. Updating your style is about maximizing you - in or out of the office, at work, or play, authentically and effectively. That’s why I started my styling business.

I know what it takes and have walked in your shoes. For over 20 years, I’ve been an exec and board member in tech, beauty, and e-comm, working with global leaders including Nordstrom, eBay, and Amazon. I’ve produced and presented keynotes, interviews, panels, events, summits, board meetings, and business reviews. I understand what it takes to prep & present so that you and your messages shine. Working together, we’ll ensure that your style enhances you.

Throughout my career, I’ve also been a busy mom of two amazing kids and a wife. My own style (and my family’s) has evolved and flexed with changing lifestyles. Your style should serve your needs and complement you - I can help you do that and free up more of your precious time.

Life is too short for a closet full of regrets.


Contact Judy

  • Ready to discuss options or book a service?

  • Have an inquiry (press, events, general)?

  • Want to collaborate?

  • Something different? I’ve got you. Let me know if you prefer to be contacted back via email, text, or voice.


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